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- WORLD, Page 51BOOKSBack With The Wind Mon Dieu! Has Scarlett O'Hara goneContinental?
- The heroine is a passionate, headstrong beauty from the South
- who struggles to save the family estate and falls for a dashing
- stranger . . . A Cliff's Notes summary of Margaret Mitchell's Gone
- With the Wind? Not quite. It is the plot of La Bicyclette Bleue
- (The Blue Bicycle), a 400-page 1981 best seller by French novelist
- Regine Deforges. This week Deforges and her publishing company,
- which she now owns, are fighting to save their own fortunes in
- Paris, where they are defendants in a plagiarism suit brought by
- Mitchell's heirs.
- In Italy another Gone With the Wind clone has surfaced under
- the title L'Orto del Paradiso (The Garden of Paradise). When the
- heroine of Rosa Giannetta Alberoni's novel kisses her amante
- ("Arianna seemed to hear a roaring, as if she had held seashells
- against her ears"), the moment echoes the heart-thudding scene
- between Scarlett O'Hara and Ashley Wilkes ("There was a low curious
- roaring sound in her ears as of seashells being held against
- them"). Yet despite a plethora of parallel passages, Alberoni
- denies she has ever read Mitchell's novel. By contrast, Deforges
- admits that she borrowed heavily from Gone With the Wind -- but
- only for the first 100 pages. At that point, says Deforges, she
- tired of the "literary game" and set off on her own tangent about
- her heroine's adventures in Vichy France.
- If found liable, Deforges could be required to turn over the
- profits of all French and English editions of Bicyclette, estimated
- at about $16 million before taxes. Mon Dieu! With so much money at
- stake, even Rhett Butler might have given a damn.